Tim C Taylor

Author and creator of the Human Legion universe

Tim C. Taylor lives with his family in an old village in England called Bromham. When he was a young and impressionable lad, between 1977 and 1978, many important things happened to him all at once: 2000AD, Star Wars, Blake’s 7, Traveller, and Dungeons & Dragons. Consequently, he now writes science fiction novels for a living. You can chat with him and discover more about the worlds of the Human Legion here at www.humanlegion.com.

Find Tim C. Taylor books on amazon.com

Find Tim C. Taylor books on amazon.co.uk



Revenge Squad: urban fantasy/ space opera crossover in the Human Legion universe.

1. After War (2016)

2. Hurt U Back (2016)

2. Second Strike (2017)

The Human Legion: military science fiction/ space opera.

1. Marine Cadet (2014)

2. Indigo Squad (2015)

3. Renegade Legion (2015)

4. Human Empire (2015)

5. War Against the White Knights (2016)

6. The Battle of Earth (forthcoming in 2018)

Welcome Home, Janissary - short story (2011)

The Empire at War: British Military SF (2016). This anthology includes Marine Cadet, the Human Legion short story called The President's Son, plus another illustrated short story and an essay from Tim C. Taylor. There are novels and short stories from other authors too: Chris Nuttall, P.P. Corcoran, and Phillip Richards.

The Reality War Series: a very different feel from the Human Legion books, but set in the same universe.

1. The Slough of Despond (2012)

2. The City of Destruction (2012)

Other Books

Last Man Through the Gate (novella) (2012). This was intended to bridge the Reality War books with another series still unpublished. It is set in the same extended universe as the Human Legion books, although that might not be apparent yet!

If you look on Amazon or Goodreads, I also have short stories and novelettes in several other anthologies and magazines, some now out of print. Some of these are set in the Human Legion universe, and I will collect and publish them. Probably in 2018.

Writing as Crustias Scattermush

These were the first two of an intended anthology series of YA science fiction and fantasy short stories, collected under the eccentric eye of alien editor, Crustias Scattermush. I was working on four of these, each containing four stories, when my partner and co-creator of the Repository of Imagination suddenly passed away. It was a sad loss, but I'm proud of these stories. One day I would like to finish off the other stories, particularly The Empress and the Cup of Tea, my tale of steampunk dystopia... and tea.

Treasure of the Last Dragon (2013)

The Ultimate Green Energy (2013)

Read Tim interviewed at SFFWorld.com here.

Read Tim interviewed at JRHandley.com here.

Hear Tim interviewed at Creative Writing Career Podcast here.

JR Handley

Author of The Sleeping Legion Series

J. R. Handley is a pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. He is a veteran infantry sergeant with the 101st Airborne Division and the 28th Infantry Division. She is the kind of crazy that interprets his insanity into cogent English. He writes the sci-fi while she proofreads it. The sergeant is a two-time combat veteran of the late unpleasantness in Mesopotamia where he was wounded. He started writing military science fiction as part of a therapy program suggested by his doctor, and hopes to entertain you while he attempts to excise his demons through these creative endeavors. In addition to being just another dysfunctional veteran, he is a stay at home wife, avid reader and all around nerd. Luckily for him, his Queen joins him in his fandom nerdalitry.



Read an interview with JR Handley here.

JR Handley is a highly accomplished talker! Hear him in action on the following podcastsAlive After Reading (Nov2017), Creative Writing Career (Oct 2017), Dead Robots Society (Mar 2017).


Ian Whates

Co-author of The Human Legion

Ian worked with Tim C. Taylor on two of the Human Legion novels (co-writing Human Empire, and contributing to War Against the White Knights). He runs Newcon Press and is working on his own ongoing space opera series that started with Pelquin's Comet.

Tap or click on his image to go to Ian's website.


Donna Scott

Editor: Human Legion & Revenge Squad

A stalwart of the British science fiction scene, Donna Scott is Chair of the British Science Fiction Association as well as being an established editor, copy-editor and proofreader. She has previously worked for publishers Angry Robot, Black Library, Solaris, Newcon, Immanion Press and Liveright, and has extensive experience of editing military SF, space opera, urban fantasy, horror, crime and YA.

Donna edited War Against the White Knights and is currently editing the Revenge Squad series.

Corey Truax

Editor: The Sleeping Legion

Corey D. Truax is a writer, editor, blogger, stay-at-home dad, and husband. A veteran Navy combat cameraman and journalist, he has recently dropped his anchor on the shore of civilian life. His wife, on the other hand, keeps them moving around the world as an active-duty Navy nuclear engineer. When he’s not using a handheld dosimeter to scan his baby boy for radiation, he is dutifully editing, blogging, and writing. Known as the Quintessential Editor on his blog page, Corey works to continuously improve and share his knowledge of the craft by offering writing tips to fellow scribblers every day. He also owns and operates Quintessential Editing LLC., which focuses on providing structural editing services to authors.

Thomas Weaver Spence

Copy Editor: The Sleeping Legion

Thomas Weaver is a writer, editor, and blogger who got into professional editing almost by accident years ago when a gamer friend from university needed someone to copyedit a screenplay about giant stompy robots (mecha). Having discovered that he greatly enjoys this kind of work, he's been putting his uncanny knack for grammar and punctuation, along with an eclectic mental collection of facts, to good use ever since as a Wielder of the Red Pen of Doom.

Thomas is disabled and lives with his smugly good-looking twin brother Paul, who writes military science fiction and refuses to talk about his military service because he can't (although he does offer snide comments about the portrayal of the military in fiction).

His list of non-writing-related jobs from the past includes librarian, art model, high school teacher, science lab gofer... Thomas has no spouse or offspring to tell you about, but he does have six cats. (The preferred term is Insane Cat Gentleman.) He currently spends his time blogging at North of Andover, reading, editing, and fending off cats who like his desk better than his twin's.

Among other works, Thomas edited In Siege of Daylight (epic high fantasy) and The Madness Engine (military science fiction), and he's happy to be joining the Legion.

His blog, North of Andover.

An interview.

Lauren Moore

Copy editor: The Sleeping Legion

“After eight years exploring literature with young writers and defending the sanctity of the written word, Lauren left the high school English classroom and took her teaching skills to the internet as a professional editor. Now she works as a developmental and line editor to help authors craft their stories and polish their prose. When she’s not editing, you can probably find her at the gym . . . reading another book in between sets.”

Lauren's Facebook page.


  1. Tim says:

    Just finished your first Book in the series and left a review on Amazon.

    Look forward to the release of the next five books.

    Entertaining read. Can you publish the next five in say.. Over the next five days? LOL ..

  2. timctaylor says:

    Thanks, that’s very kind. Reviews are very helpful indeed, so thanks for taking the time.
    Publish the next five over the next five days…? Well, we’re off to a good start, with a fair wind the second book will be out tomorrow. Book 3 the day after would be pushing it, though 🙂

  3. Tim says:

    just got your notification in email .. will look for book 2 sometime today. Yeah .. I know publishing in on a schedule. Nice lego construct!

  4. Tim says:

    yup .. just found Book 2 on Amazon .. it is available for download. Looking forward to a good read.

  5. Dave says:

    Just finished both books. Really great reads! Looking forward to reading more.

  6. timctaylor says:

    Thanks, Dave. I’ll be posting more here next week.

  7. Mark says:

    Tim, just sped through 1 and 2. I guess I misunderstood and thought whole series was released. Do you have a publication time frame in mind for 3 and beyond?

    • timctaylor says:

      Mark, I’m sorry to have misled you. I’ve updated the top of this page with a clearer statement about release schedule. It’s best to assume they will come out at 4-month intervals. I have sometimes written about what happens in future books as if they’re already written; the reality is that they’re all sketched out in detail with a lot of key scenes already written. Sorry again for not making that clearer. Tim

  8. David says:

    Thank you for delivering agreat story with awesome characters.
    Looking forward to downloading book #2.
    Keep up the fantastic writings.

  9. Earl Settle says:

    Absolutely fantastic. While the first two feature a limited number of men, realistic estimates of the combat troops an interstellar empire would have on hand are included. The final book must feature millions of marines.. The modern core only fields 250k, and at 2 and a half divisions most of those probably aren’t infantry. I’ve got to say that if this series keeps going the way it’s headed, it will be my favorite milscifi. And I have read most of the milscifi available. Mr. Taylor you are a household name in the making. John Ringo should give these a read and could learn something from the quality work.

    • Ola Munteanu says:

      The quality work as Earl Settle puts it is great as far as the writing goes, but having read half of the first human legion book (marine cadet) I find myself having a hard time suspending disbelief.

      Literally bred to be “marines” the characters seem more like naive civilians (from the more pamperd parts of our time Earth) who havent been IN for more then two months.
      Instead.. bah I do not have the Words to explain how discordant the book feels to me so far.
      Just so so wrong like marines with split personality disorder, where the marine Soldier/warrior personality is dominated by a pacifist submissive boot licker.

      • Wow, I just don’t see that. I was in both the JROTC program that trains high school kids to be prepared for military service, then attended a prestigious southern military academy, before being Federalized to fight in the Late Unpleasantness in Mesopotamia. My military experience runs the gamut, from cadet to enlisted and back again and I felt like Tim did a good job at capturing the ambiance of combat units. I think he fell flat with the small unit tactics, its part of why my Sleeping Legion series works in his universe, it brings it back to the forefront where Tim wanted it. That said, he gives the reader an already built in an explanation… the White Knights didn’t want humans to get too good at anything. Whether that was intentional or not, it worked for me as a reader and was covered by the decommissioning of the T-Racks (?) and that bomb they used in book three. Plus, having chatted with Tim I know he was at least aware of the small unit tactics that involved specialization which lends credence to the idea that the omission was an intentional plot point. Initially he missed the relationship a grunt has with his rifle, but got that covered in book three. As for the breeding programs, just ask the Nazi’s how their breeding programs failed to produce the blue eyed blonds they sought, or the Russians who tried to create the perfect Olympian. Spoiler alert, results may vary. Yes, they have the right predispositions but they’re still people who have to make individualized decisions for their lives. Basically you have the fundamental Nature vs Nurture argument that has confounded the field of psychology since its inception.

        JR Handley

      • Hi Ola. Thanks for commenting. Sorry to hear that you found the first half discordant. As I was writing that book, my intention was to have the characters in a halfway state between the people of today and the kind of genetically engineered warrior cyborgs you see on TV. As a population they’re a work in progress, and the individuals you see are additionally experiencing disorientation from an outside influence. They are meant to appear discordant, but that is emphatically not meant to ruin your reading pleasure. I regret that it appears to have done so. Best wishes for 2016. Tim.

  10. Earl Settle says:

    An interesting thought occurred to me. The modern marines have several robust air wings and limited lightly armoured support units. Could Arun?

    • timctaylor says:

      Earl, you make my head swell, but thanks for the vote of confidence 🙂 to pick up on a couple points. Arun knows his dreams require force strengths of millions or more. He’s struggling to keep anyone alive at the point in the story you’ve reached. If he’s going to find his millions, it isn’t going to be easy…
      We don’t see the Human Marine Corps having much in the way of combined arms in their depot of Tranquility because their masters like to split and specialise their slave troops to keep them from getting rebellious notions. You start to see air support, orbital support, and a little armor in book 3. They’re smart enough to understand the importance of combined arms, but lack the practical experience in making it work. Expect a few expensive lessons along the way…

  11. Caleb Spence says:

    Mr. Taylor. I thorough enjoyed the first two books of the series. I do have a complaint however….the length of the second book. It seems to be about half the length of the first!!! I’m just curious as to why.

  12. Jeff Malsberger says:

    Tim, Just finished Marine Cadet & left an Amazon Review. I really liked it & am looking forward to the rest of the series. It was really great Space-Opera! The genetic modification ‘experiments’ (violet eyes, tac-computer brain, and who knows what else) were a neat twist. Really looking forward to more plot twists. Thanks for a great book.

  13. timctaylor says:

    Thanks, Jeff. I’m so glad you took the time to let me know you enjoyed the books. Keeps my writing fingers active! I’ve plenty more twists coming 🙂

  14. Lyle says:

    OK Tim, get with it. Great reads!

  15. SGT Mike says:

    One complaint; these soldiers have no special attachment to ‘their’ rifles. Yes, the rifleman and his weapon are interchangeable parts of a larger weapon system in theory but not in practicality. As a combat infantryman I was bonded to MY rifle and would’ve bought it from Uncle Sugar had regulations allowed. Given ware patterns, personal tweeks to the rail system (lights, extra pistol grip, etc), every rifle was slightly different. Some had testy triggers, others tended to fire high and to the right. One might have scars from battle and/or repeatative use. It’s sad not to see that with your infantrymen, who seem to view their weapons as interchangeble. The closest I found was Stockpot’s love of his heavy weapons but it was the SYSTEM and not the INDIVIDUAL WEAPON he yearned for. Just food for thought.

    • timctaylor says:

      Thanks for bringing that up. I’m going to think about what to do about your point. Today I’ve been writing a scene where the heavy weapons section finally get to show what they can do. Stok is adamant that only his missile system will do. He doesn’t trust one he doesn’t know and they take him seriously enough to ship his gear down to the planet despite shortage of space. Let’s hope it survives because they face some pretty stiff opposition.

      • SGT Mike says:

        That is close, but what I describe is more of an emotional bond. We even name the rifle after someone we might be sexually attracted too. My first rifle at basic training was named ‘Lauren’ after my girlfriend. Then renamed ‘The B**ch that never writes’ after her. Needless to say a ‘Dear John’ letter followed thereafter. Ever subsequent rifle was named ‘Emily’ after the first girl I kissed; ah kindergarten, monkey bars, memories…

  16. mark says:

    Just finished the first two books can’t wait for the next. When will it be available to pre-order from Amazon?

    • timctaylor says:

      Thanks, Mark. I’m proud that you enjoyed them enough to want more 🙂 I’m busy on Book3 now and intend to have it out in the spring. I’ll be posting updates on the website as I get closer to a firm date. There are four parts to Book3. When the first (and largest) is ready, I’ll make it available in some form through the website. I know some people hate that idea, but we’ll see how it works out.

  17. SGT Mike says:

    Just a random question, but what is the significance of Vancouver for the Vancouver Accords? Do you, like Kenny from South Park, Blame Canada? Or was it the coffee snobs in Washington State that you have animas towards? LOL!! I loved Operation Canadian Bacon, so…. You know which answer I am leaning towards!

    • timctaylor says:

      Well, now that one of my brothers has become a Canadian, I’m tempted to blame that country for all ills… but daren’t because I’m all out of Tim Hortons and you can’t resupply here in the UK, so I’ll have to go back to Canada one day. In the politics of the day, Canada and the US are federated. Vancouver sounded like a good place to sign a treaty. Besides, I’ve a branch of the family lives there in real life, so maybe holding a bit of inter-species diplomacy would boost real estate prices of their descendants.

      • SGT Mike says:

        For sure, you’ve gotta boost the real estate values!! As for your Canadian family, I can help them find some rental properties in Gods Country (aka Virginia, USA)!!! But I’m a tad biased!

  18. ruopp says:

    Hi Tim,

    Just a stupid question: Why don’t you have a link in your blog to your author’s page at Amazon?

    That my help newcomers to check out what you have already published not related with Human Legion.


    • timctaylor says:

      Thanks for looking out for me. Well, the answer depends on which regional Amazon store you’re talking about. If you’re looking at amazon.com, then I’ve just checked and it does link to my timctaylor.com blog, but I haven’t been posting there much recently (although I’ve a blog due to post there very soon). If it’s the UK version of amazon, they let me write a bio, but they don’t let you link to a blog. Outside of those two Amazon stores, I’m not aware of Amazon letting you write even a bio.

      What I did notice is that my headshot picture has changed into a pair of paperbacks. So I’ve switched that around so I can try to fool people into believing I’m a real human being 🙂

      Thanks again.

  19. William Lee says:

    In the last three days I have read Welcome Janessary, as well as the the marine cadet and the Indigo squad and waiting the rest of the series enjoyed it it flowed easily really great progression to it. Can’t wait. ( well actually I do have to wait) but you get the gist. Great books

  20. William Lee says:

    In the last three days I have read Welcome Janessary, as well as the the marine cadet and the Indigo squad and waiting the rest of the series enjoyed it it flowed easily really great progression to it. Can’t wait. ( well actually I do have to wait) but you get the gist. Great books

    • timctaylor says:

      That’s brilliant new. Thanks for letting me know. The first and largest part of the third novel should be out on beta in a few weeks. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing it 🙂

      • SGT Mike says:

        I would love to help you with the Beta reading!!

        • timctaylor says:

          Brilliant. Although, to be honest, Mike, I was already planning to ask you to help out, as you’ve been so wonderfully supportive. Hope you’re having a great day. It’s nearly 4pm where I am (Bedford Library). I’ve been writing since 8am and have drafted nearly 4,000 words. Feeling pretty stoked. Unlike Arun McEwan, who’s having a hard time of it in these scenes 🙂
          Thanks for offering to help.

  21. SGT Mike says:

    Just don’t kill off too many of the cool kids! LOL

  22. Jeffrey Currie says:

    Loved the books and can’t wait for the next one!

  23. Kimberley Birmingham says:

    Great series can’t for the next book in Human Legion series

  24. J D McNaul says:

    Just finished both the first two HL books and thoroughly enjoyed them. Now nursing my crushed spirit after finding out that the thirdmonemisnt yet available. If it helps motivate, I wouldn’t expect the releases over the next 5 days. I could wait 10 days!?

  25. Greg says:

    Really enjoying the first two books of Human Legion. Love the action and the tech.
    3rd book not available yet!! Noooooo.
    Apparently the best things are worth waiting for.

  26. DavidP says:

    Just finished Marine Cadet and Indigo Squad. Love the characters! Looking forward to see where this story takes us. Cant wait for book 3 🙂

    • timctaylor says:

      Thanks, David, for telling me that. Glad the characters have your support because they have a whole load of trouble to get through 🙂

      • SGT Mike says:

        Can’t they just hug it out? LOL!!!

        • timctaylor says:

          Well, there is a little bit of hugging 🙂

          • SGT Mike says:

            Dang, now I’m totally curious and waiting is going to stink!! Does he get a girlfriend? Can we get a hint? 🙏

          • timctaylor says:

            Does he get a girlfriend?
            Why stop at one? Actually, Arun’s a bit too busy fighting for his life in the first half of book 3 to make much romantic progress. As for later in the series… Well, here’s a hint… There’s an interstellar war to be fought over huge distances. It going to take decades. It’s gonna take more than one generation to see it through 🙂

          • SGT Mike says:

            Sweet, bring on the polygamy so we can mass produce the human race!! Bad assed!!

  27. The Anti Spammer says:

    Uh oh, we’ve been spammed!!!!!

  28. Gary says:

    Just finished book 3, couldn’t put it down. Hurry up with book 4 and the rest….

  29. James Cherry says:

    I am really enjoying the books. I read another book bubs differentvauthor and tried to find something similar along to lines of a young troope coming into his own and realizing or finding out he has a huge role in the outcome of the universe/humanity. Can’t wait to continue reading the series, keep on with the series.

  30. Thanks James. I aim to deliver! So do Arun and his friends, of course.

  31. Denyce says:

    Downloaded and read Human Legion Books 1 – 3, and enjoyed them. Your characters continued to grow in depth and breadth through each book. Well, as long as the characters survived, anyway. In a military format there is no guaranteed longevity. But that allows for interesting new characters, situations, and plot twists. I’m looking forward to #4 and where you take the Legion.

  32. Jolene Ramage says:

    Waiting for the next book. Amazing work!

  33. Charles Marshall says:

    Tim I just finished Human Empire I am delighted war against the White Nights is due out this month I can’t wait thank you excellent series

    • Charles, I have to apologize and disappoint you because, despite the schedule in the back of book4 and on the website, the next book won’t be ready this month. We’ve been delayed but we’re working to get it out as soon as possible (without rushing and doing a bad job). As soon as we have a firm date, I’ll post it to the website. I hope you feel it’s worth the wait. Best wishes, Tim.

  34. I love the series. I am waiting desperately for the “White Knights” too. You rick the space world these days.

    • Thanks Jolene. That’s wonderful to know 🙂 Sorry to keep you waiting, but we’re making good progress. I’m just about to start writing about the final assault on the White Knight imperial citadel…

  35. Kat Fischer says:

    Wow!! Really wish I wouldn’t have found this series until the whole series was complete! I race through the pages only to have to wait impatiently for the next release. I stopped reading about halfway through another book when I found Human Empire was released! Ugh!! Now I’m Hurrying up and waiting!! Great job,(not sarcastic) am impatiently waiting for the next 2!! Thank You for allowing me to escape our galaxy for a little while!

  36. It’s a pleasure to be of service. Many thanks for the thumbs up, Kat.

  37. Gus says:

    Just finished the first book and found it a gripping read. I look forward to continuing the series. I often find myself dissapointed with elements of, otherwise excellent, science fiction and this is the first series i’ve read in sometime to completely satisfy. Excelllent work. Regards Gus

  38. Jolene Ramage says:

    Until the next Hunan Legion book comes out, for great sci fi try Peter F Hamilton. “The Reality Dufuntion” seiies also “Padora’s Star and “Judas Unchained.” You will not be disappointed, prise. I love all the Hunan Legion books and I am really picky.

    • Thanks, Jolene. It’s so kind of you to say that. I’m a big fan of Peter F. Hamilton. My wife is even pickier than you in her reading, I suspect, because the only science fiction series she’s ever enjoyed were the Greg Mandel books by Mr. Hamilton. Even I don’t qualify as a writer she follows! Hamilton set his Greg Mandel books in Rutland, where he lives. Last summer we went camping at Rutland Water, where Mandel hangs out. I can’t say we spotted Peter Hamilton (or Greg Mandel) but we saw a lot of Red Kites circling low over the campsite, which was pretty spectacular. They look like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_kite#/media/File:Red_Kite,_Spain.jpg

  39. Wow, that’s me up there! 🙂

    • tctaylor says:

      You’re the first one to comment on the new site. Well done. I still can’t see it! Tomorrow I’ll see where we’re at. Are you getting anything that says the connection isn’t secure?

  40. JR Handley says:

    Welcome to the team Corey!

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